Public PhD Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Khadija Abdulraheem Mohammad Othman, from the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University

Ms. Khadija Abdulraheem Mohammad Othman, has successfully awarded her PhD from Department of Islamic Studies at Faculty of Arts & Humanities majoring in Islamic Doctrine and Thought. Her dissertation, entitled “Supporting the Brotherhood and Purifying the Stomachs from Impurities,” was defended on Tuesday, Rajab 14, 1446 Hijri, corresponding to January 14, 2025.
The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
1. Prof. Kawthar Hamoud Muhammad Al-Mikhlafi, Main Supervisor, Sana’a University, Member.
2. Prof. Saeed Mohammad Abdulsalam Al-Haddad, External Examiner, Taiz University, Member.
3. Prof. Huda Ali Yahya Al-Imad, Internal Examiner, Sana’a University, Chair.
The primary objective of the thesis was to analyze the manuscript authored by Abi Al-Qasim bin Muhammad bin Hussein Al-Shaqifi, exploring the historical context of his life and its influence on his work, specifically his book “Supporting Brethren and Purifying the Limbs from Impurities.”
In her research, Othman identified several significant findings, notably the profound interest among Muslim scholars in doctrinal issues and spirituality. This interest is particularly evident among Yemeni scholars, especially within the Zaidiyyah tradition, as exemplified by Imam Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shaqifi Al-Zaidi’s contribution to the Islamic literary corpus through this manuscript.
Furthermore, the researcher offered several recommendations aimed at enhancing the recognition of Yemeni scholars’ contributions and encouraging the exploration of Yemeni heritage preserved in both public and private libraries to maximize academic benefit.
The Viva-Voce was attended by several academics, researchers, students, and several colleagues and family members of the researcher
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