Public PhD Viva-Voice Examination of Mr. Qasim Ahmed Sageer Almozalem

The Public Viva-Voice Examination for the PhD Dissertation here to entitled: “The Psychological Principles of Education According Abi hamed Alghazali and John Dewey (A Comparative Analytical Study”, submitted by Mr. Qasim Ahmed Sageer Almozalem Department of Foundations of Education, Faculty of Education –Sana’a, Sana’a University, was held on Monday, 13/07/1446 Hijri corresponding to 13/01/2025. The Viva-Voice Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
No. | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Assoc. Prof. Abdusalam Alfaqih | External Examiner | Chair | |
2 | Assoc. Prof. Khalid Thabet Muhsen Aljaradi | Internal Examiner | Amran University | Member |
3 | Assoc. Prof. Taher Mohammed Alahdal | Main Supervisor | Sana’a University | Member |
The study aimed at:
- knowing what the Islamic philosopher/ Abu Hamid al-Ghazali presented in the educational scientific heritage in the field of psychological foundations of education, and what is related to the human soul education, and in return,
- knowing what the Western philosopher/ John Dewey presented in the same field, especially that is related to human nature and human behavior.
The study concluded a set of findings as: There are commonalities between the two philosophers regarding education in general and that it is the basis for the renaissance of the individual and society. There are a number of aspects of agreement, the most important of which are related to educational method and curriculum (educational content), and special attention to the childhood stage as it is the pillar of society and the state. There are some aspects of difference, the most important of which is the faith and doctrinal aspect, as Al-Ghazali was a monotheist who believed in God and adhered to the religion of Islam – while John Dewey does not believe in God, as he is an atheist whose approach is matter and whose religion is humanity.
Many recommendations were suggested as: The necessity of separating Islamic and European education in positive philosophies in terms of their sources, goals, and teaching methods. 2- Interest in reading the Islamic educational opinions of scholars in previous centuries, such as Al-Ghazali, and benefiting from them in the contemporary educational reality. 3- Helping the learner to learn and master a profession, so that he can benefit from it in the reality of his life, 4- Upgrading the teacher and establishing him from the period of education to be a skilled and specialized person who will raise a generation that is beneficial to himself and his nation.
A number of academics, the department head, some researchers, students, interested people, and a number of the candidates’ colleagues and family members attended the viva.
The MA Thesis has been examined and is recommended by the Viva-Voice Committee for acceptance and approval. The Candidate was recommended to be awarded the degree of Master in Arabic Language majoring in (Syntax),, with an overall grade of Excellent (95%).
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