Public MA Viva-Voice Examination of Mr Lutf Mutahar Abdullah Mohammed Alshami

The Public Viva-Voice Examination for the MA Thesis hereto entitled: ” Developing the Administrative Performance in the Education Offices in in the Capital, Sana’a in light of electronic management”, submitted by Mr Lutf Mutahar Abdullah Mohammed Alshami Department of Educational Planning and Administration, Faculty of Education –Sana’a, was held on Saturday, 29/08/1446 Hijri corresponding to 27/02/2024. The Viva-Voice Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
No. | Committee Members | Designation | University | Position |
1 | Assoc. Prof. Ali Yahya Sharafaldeen | Internal Examiner | Sana’a University | Chair |
2 | Prof. Abdulaziz Abdulhadi Alameri | External examiner | Hajjah University | Member |
3 | Assoc.Prof. Abdulrahman Mohammed Alsharjabi | Main Supervisor | Sana’a University | Member |
The study aimed at:-
- identifying the requirements for developing the administrative performance in the education offices in the capital, Sana’a, in light of electronic management, by knowing the degree of practice of electronic management in the reality of administrative performance in these offices.
- developing a suggested proposed for developing administrative performance in the offices of education in the capital, Sana’a, in light of the electronic management in the educational institutions.
The study concluded a set of results as: the electronic performance axis as a whole obtained a moderate degree of practice in the real administrative performance from the point of view of the members of the study sample, while the axis of the requirements for the transformation towards electronic management as a whole received a low degree of availability, with the exception of the field of strategic requirements and human requirements, which came to a moderate degree from the point of view of the members of the study sample.
.. Many recommendations were suggested as: the importance of providing the educational institutions the needed requirements for the transition towards electronic administration in a way that keeps pace with developments in this field, and working to spread the culture of working with electronic administration in educational institutions among employees by comparing manual dealing with electronic dealing in some institutions, and focusing on training and qualifying administrative cadres to deal with technologies, in addition to reconsidering the construction and organization of organizational structures in educational institutions in a way that is compatible with administrative work in light of the electronic management.
A number of academics, the department head, some researchers, students, interested people, and a number of the candidates’ colleagues and family members attended the viva.