Nawal Ahmed Mohammad Al-Henhena
Personal Details :
Name: Nawal Ahmed Mohammad Al-Henhena
Nationality: Yemeni
Status: Married
Spoken Language: Arabic and English
Degree: PhD
Field: Molecular Medicine (Biochemistry)
Biomedical Science Department
Faculty of Medicine
University of Malaya
Email n.alhenhena@su.edu.ye
HP 00967716375813, 00967776195316
Personal Summary
Having excellent research potential and an ability to actively contribute to the research projects goals as well as a good standard of written English. Able to interact with all researchers in a constructive, creative and professional manner during the processing, storing and logging process.
PhD Degree in field of Molecular Medicine (Biochemistry)/Biomedical Science Department / Faculty of Medicine/ University Malaya/ Malaysia (2011-2015)
Master Degree in clinical Biochemistry /Biochemistry Department / Faculty of Medicine/ Sana’a University/ Yemen (2004-2007) courses and full research.
Bachelor Degree in Diagnostic Medicine / Faculty of Medicine /Sana’a University/ Yemen (1998 -2003).
English language YALI program standard program 2010
Sana’a University Computer Driving License
Employment History and Work Experience
- Deputy Dean of Faculty of Medicine at September university of Medical and applied sciences from 31/7/ 2019
- Deputy Dean of Faculty of Laboratory Medicine at September university of Medical and applied sciences from January 2018 until June 2019
- Head of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology department at September university of Medical and applied sciences from 2018
- Lecturer (Assistant Professor) – at Sana’a University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from 2016 until now.
- Sana’a University – Yemen, Teaching in lab from 2004 – 2010
Lab work (2004 -2010) with variety of techniques
Working with academic members of the project team in order to deliver project outcomes. Responsible for writing up research papers and presenting research findings to senior managers and also at academic meetings.
- Identifying suitable techniques for the collection and analysis of data.
- Assisting in the development & preparation of continuing funding opportunities.
- Contributing to team decisions about research directions.
- Ensuring the validity and reliability of data at all times. Data coding, data entry, transcribing, data analysis & assistance with writing up.
Research Skills:
- Extensive knowledge of spreadsheets and database tools.
- Ability to prioritize own work in response to deadlines.
- Excellent research skills. Able to plan research and organize tasks effectively.
- Ability to resolve problems independently. Possessing a creative approach to problem-solving.
- Flexible with working hours and having excellent interpersonal skills. Experience in carrying out experimental research.
Knowledge of maintaining safe workplace practice and procedures in accordance with the requirements of Health and Safety legislation
Using some techniques as
ELISA, RT-PCR, HPLC, Tissue (cell line) culture, Antimicrobial study, Tissue histological study (processing and staining), Animal researches. Statistical analysis SPSS (work on SPSS), RT-PCR data analysis (professional training on RT-PCR).
Training Courses Attended and Participation/Organization training workshops
- Applied Biosystems StepOnePlusTM RT-PCR system-system operation training and data analysis (professional training). 2012. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya.
- How to write and publish a paper/ organized by faculty of medicine, University of Malaya
- Viva defense workshop: the perfect defense, organized by Research management center (RMC). 2015
- Systematic review and Meta-analysis workshop, University of Malaya, 2017.
- Participation in organizing of the events of the 6th Annual International Qur’anic conference
- MUQADDAS VI), as Registration and Rooms Supervision Committee
Academic Achievements and Awards
1) Publications
Published article
1- Al-Henhena, N., Poh, R. P., Ismail, S., Najm, W., Khalifa, S. A., El-Seedi, H., & Abdulla, M. A. (2014). Chemopreventive efficacy of A. paniculata on azoxymethane-induced aberrant colon crypt foci in vivo. PloS One, 9(11), e111118.
2- Nawal Al-Henhena1, Shaden A. M. Khalifa2, Rozaida Poh Yuen Ying1, Pouya Hassandarvish1, Elham Rouhollahi1, Nahla Saeed Al-Wajeeh1, Habibah Mohd Ali3,Mahmood Ameen Abdulla1,* & Hesham R. El-Seedi3,2,4,* In. Chemopreventive effects of Strobilanthes crispus leaf extract on azoxymethane induced aberrant crypt foci in rat colon. Scientific Reports (2015) | 5:13312 | DOI: 10.1038/srep13312.
3- Nawal Al-Henhena1, Shaden A. M. Khalifa2 , Rozaida Poh Yuen Ying1 , Salmah Ismail3 , Riad Hamadi4 , Abdrabu N. Shawter1 , Azila Mohd Idris5 , Ainnul Azizan5 , Nahla Saeed Al-Wajeeh1 , Mahmood Ameen Abdulla1* and Hesham R. El-Seedi5,6. Evaluation of chemopreventive potential of Strobilanthes crispus against colon cancer formation in vitro and in vivo.BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine, (2015) 15:419 DOI 10.1186/s12906-015-0926-7
4-Al-Henhena, A. A. Mahmood, A. Al-Magrami*, A. B., Nor Syuhada, A. A. Zahra, M. D. Summaya, M. S. Suzi and I. Salmah. Histological study of wound healing potential by ethanol leaf extract of Strobilanthes crispus in rats. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 5(16), pp. 3660-3666, 18 August, 2011.
5- Walaa Najm Abood, Nawal Ahmed Al-Henhena, Mazen. M. Al-Obaidi, Salmah Ismail, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla, Rami Al Batran. Wound-healing potential of the fruit extract of Phaleria macrocarpa. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 2015; 15(2):25-30.
6- Rouhollahi E, Moghadamtousi SZ, Al-Henhena N, Kunasegaran T, Hasanpourghadi M, Looi CY, Abd Malek SN, Awang K, Abdulla MA, Mohamed Z. The chemopreventive potential of Curcuma purpurascens rhizome in reducing azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt foci in rats. Drug Design Vol: 2015:9, pp 3911-3922, 27 July, 2015.
7- D.A.A. Bardi, M.A. Sarah Khan, S.Z.Sabri, F.A. Kadir, A.A. Mahmood, , A. A.Zahra, S.M. Suzy, , N. Al-Hanhana, A. Al-Magrami (2011). Anti-ulcerogenic activity of Typhonium flagelliforme aqueous leaf extract against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats. Scientific Reseach and Essays 6(15): 3232-3239 (ISI-Cited Publication)
8- Abdrabuh N. Shwter, Nor Azizan Abdullah, Mohammed A. Alshawsh, Hesham R. El-Seedi, Nawal A. Al-Henhena, Shaden A.M. Khalifa and Mahmood A. Abdulla, Chemopreventive Effect of Phaleria macrocarpa on Colorectal Cancer Aberrant Crypt Foci In vivo, Journal of Ethnopharmacology,(2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2016.08.002
9- Nahla Saeed AL-Wajeeh, Maryam Hajrezaie, Nawal Al-Henhena, Sareh Kamran, Elham Bagheri, Maryam Zahedifard, Kamelia Saremi, Suzita Mohd Noor, Hapipah Mohd Ali, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla, The antiulcer effect of Cibotium barometz leaves in rats with experimentally induced acute gastric ulcer, Drug Design, Development and Therapy,(2017), 2017:11 995–1009
10- Ali Alyahawi, Abdul Monem Alhomidi , Nawal Al-Henhena, PREVALENCE OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA (P. AERUGINOSA) AND ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERNS AT A PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN SANA’A, YEMEN, Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, (2018), 3(4).
2) Awards
ITEX Silver Medal, Active ingredients from Acanthaceae used in the prevention and treatment of skin disorders in Malaysia pet Animals. 22nd International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition ITEX 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, held from 20th – 22nd May 2011.
3) Conferences/ Oral Presentation
1- Nawal Al-Henhena1*, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla1, Rozaida Poh Yuen Ying1Oral presentation in 11th MPS Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society Pharmacy Scientific Conference 2012 (MPS-PSC 2012) held on 31st Oct – 2nd Nov 2012. Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
2- Nawal Al-Henhena1*, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla1, Rozaida Poh Yuen Ying1Oral presentation in International Conference on Natural Products 2014 (ICNP 2014) held on 18-19 March 2014, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort Putrajaya, Malaysia.
3- Nawal Al-Henhena 1, 2*, Rozaida Poh Yuen Ying1 Riad Hamadi2, Mahmood Ameen Abdulla1. Ying1. Oral presentation in ICEOH2016 International Conference on Environmental and occupational health 2016 held on 11-13th of April, 2016 (Tuesday), Grand ballroom, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel, Malaysia.
Interested area :
Metabolism explaining studies
Cell culture related studies
Gene expressions study
Biochemistry field