Master’s Degree Awarded to Researcher Asma Al-Hamdani

Researcher Asma Ahmed Mohammed Al-Hamdani has been conferred a Master’s degree with distinction in Gender and International Development from the Inclusive Development Research Center at Sana’a University. Her thesis, titled “The Role of Microfinance in Improving the Living Conditions of Yemeni Families,” was defended on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (corresponding to 14/07/1446 AH).
The discussion and evaluation committee comprised Prof. Dr. Abdul Salam Ahmed Al-Dar, serving as the external examiner and chair; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilham Mohammed Al-Rida, the internal examiner and committeee member; and Dr. Abdul Wahab Yahya Abdul Qader, the princIpal supervisor and committeee member.
The thesis aimed to explore the role of microfinance in enhancing the living conditions of Yemeni families, examine the mechanisms of microfinance disbursement procedures, identify the characteristics of financing granted to small projects, investigate the nature of the projects being financed, and understand the repayment mechanisms associated with financing provided by the Azal Islamic Microfinance Program. Additionally, it sought to assess the level of improvement In family living conditions resulting from projects funded by this program.
The study yielded several important findings, indicating that microfinance plays a crucial role in supporting project sustainability and increasing capital, which directly contributes to the improvement of family living conditions. The results demonstrated a positive correlation between microfinance and the enhancement of family living standards, highlighting its effectiveness in improving the economic circumstances of families when returns are generated from their projects.
In her thesis, Al-Hamdani offered several key recommendations, notably that microfinance institutions should encourage beneficiaries to establish joint projects, enabling them to undertake larger initiatives than they could manage individually. Furthermore, attention should be directed toward the high interest rates on loans provided to microfinance clients. There is also a pressing need to enhance awareness of microfinance institutions and the services they offer to ensure their rightful place within the economic and social landscape.
The discussion was attended by numerous academics, researchers, students, and interested individuals, as well as several colleagues and family members of the researcher.
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