
Abdulrahman Ali Ahmed Ishaq

Assistant Professor

Personal Information:

Abdulrahman Ali Ahmed Ishaq


Established and managed the health institute, managed the Kuwaiti hospital and established the medical library and research activities. Founding member of the establishment of the faculty of medicine, with over 3 years of preparatory workshops of the programs (the decision of the committee) and in charge of resourcing the construction of the faculty (responsible for visiting the state institutions and request for support via coordination with Mr.  Al-Saqqaf A senior Kuwaiti official who was responsible for all forms of Kuwaiti assistance to the region.

Taught pediatrics and community medicine and participated in many workshops in the Faculty and in the Ministry of Health.  Conducted activities with secondary and international organizations to establish services, spread awareness, including educational and research programs.



High school (Egypt) Diploma of Statistics (Lebanon) General Medicine and Equivalent Master of Pediatrics (Egypt) Pediatrics and Community Medicine (Britain) Tropical Pediatrics (Master two years) Evaluation of the University of Khartoum is equivalent to the Arab Fellowship which was approved and supported by the councils of the Faculty of Medicine. Continuous education for years with BMJ learning certifications, in addition to ongoing education with the International Medical Networks.


Clinical expertise in hospitals and health centers for nearly 50 years with academic experience for medical assistants, medical students and graduate students. Supervised master’s and PHD thesis. Experienced with epidemics including cholera epidemic, measles and meningitis.

Conferences and Workshops:

A number of local conferences (pediatrics, community medicine, accidents, emergency medicine) and various workshops in the field of nutrition, accidents and child development. Worked with disability and primary care services in addition to epidemics and training of doctors in epidemiological investigation.

Regional conferences (Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Dubai, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia) and international (Athens, Italy, UK, Sweden, Switzerland, India Indonesia, Bangladesh)


Research and scientific papers:

Child services (provided to cooperatives) child and motherhood research (Leeds University) Review and research on diarrheal diseases (Liverpool school of medicine) Research on pathological pattern in children, diarrheal diseases and developed papers for committees that commenced the plans  of the Ministry of Health. Basic health care (from the work of AlKuwait hospital) papers submitted during the work of the preparatory committees for the programs of the Faculty of Medicine. Worked with the Health Research Unit in cooperation with Sweden. Reviewing old research and codification. As well as conducting research in the field of traditional medicine and Qat.

Participated in seminars and researches, worked in the research unit of AlThawra Hospital in cooperation with the universities of Britain, Sweden, Austria, America, Canada and Saudi Arabia.


Health education for primary schools

A guide on medicines for teachers

A guide to practical medicine in cooperation with Damascus University written in Arabic and English.

18 published research papers in the fields of pediatrics, accidents and disability services.

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