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Aziza Musleh Taj Al-Deen

Associate Professor

Personal Information:

Date and Place of Birth                 : 5/2/1967, Yemen

Gender                                              : Female

Nationality                                        : Yemeni

Marital status                                   :Married, with 3 children



I am Aziza Taj Al Deen, Associate Professor of Plant Tissue Culture. I work in the Botany Division – Department of Biology  Sciences – Faculty of Science – Sana’a University. Sana’a – Yemen. Post -graduated with PhD  in Botany, specializing in plant tissue culture (2010). My first academic qualification was from the Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University. In the field of  Horticulture in 1989. Then post-graduated with Master  degree from the Department of Horticulture and Forestry – Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University in 2002 In the field of Horticulture specializing in ornamental plants.


  • 2005-2010:                                        Ph.D (Plant Tissue Culture)  

              Department of Biology, Section of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Sana’a University, Yemen 

  •  1999- 2002:                                 M.Sc  (Ornamental Plants)

              Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University, Yemen

  •  1989                                                   B.Sc (Hons) (Agriculture Science)

             Faculty of Agriculture, Sana`a University, Yemen



Current Position
Jan 2021 – to date Faculty of Science, Sana’a University- Yemen

Associate Professor of Plant Tissue Culture

Tasks Lecturer in different botany courses including plant tissue culture techniques and applications as well as other relevant courses including e.g. population genetic etc.
Jan. 2019 to Jan 2021 Researcher  in Faculty of Agriculture – Ain Shams University – Cairo Egypt
Achievements  During this period I am conducting the following researches projects:

·   Cell Suspension Culture of Hypericum  Perforatum L. as an attractive alternative for Production of Medical Compounds;

·   Comparative study of growth and production of active compounds and biosynthesis of Nano-silver by callus and cell suspensions of Balanites Aegyptiaca (Heglig) plant;

·   Micro-propagation of Aglaonema plant tissue culture as alternative technique for commercial production of economic ornamental plants.

·   Some research activities are being implemented in coordination with Faculty of science of Azhar University e.g. (The comparative study of growth and production of active compounds and biosynthesis of Nano-silver by callus and cell suspensions of Balanites  Aegyptiaca (Heglig) plant);

·   Participating in supervising graduation projects of BSc students of agronomy department of faculty of agriculture – Ain Shams University.

2010 –  December 2018 Faculty of Science, Sana’a University- Yemen

Associate Professor and Head of Tissue Culture Unit

Responsibilities 1-      Teaching theoretical & practical courses on Advance Plant Tissue Culture for MSc. Students.

2-      Teaching the following theoretical and practical courses for BSc. Students of different levels:

·         Hormones and Plant Tissue Culture (level four)

·         Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (level four)

·         Plant Biotechnology ( level four)

·         Basic Plants Classification (level two)

·         Plant and environmental pollution (level four)

·         Plant Physiology (level three)

3-      Thesis and researches projects supervision for MSc and PhD students on different subjects matters.

4-      Design and establishment of Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Biotechnology Laboratory within the Department of Biology including institutional structure.

5-      Design and implementation of different researches in the field of: Medicinal herbs that domain in Yemen environment using different techniques for extraction and measuring antioxidant activities, antimicrobial activities as effective elements for treating diabetes and high blood pressure.

6-      Coordinating and supervising the scientific field visits and activities of the students

7-      Participation in the committee for developing different curriculums for different levels.

8-      Overall and day to day management of the tissue culture unit.

Previous positions
Jan, 2012  to Jan 2013 Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

Volunteer Expert on  Natural treatment of Nematode through using local natural herbs from Yemeni Origin as alternatives to chemicals

  1. Design, planning, implementation of different related activities,
  2. identification and classification of plants selected for the experiment for treatment of nematode
  3. Preparation of different and progress reports.
  4. Carrying out different periodical tests and inspections on examined soil
  5. Application of the gained results on some economical crops and analyzing of different data and results.
  6. Monitoring and follow up of the different activities
  7. Providing feedback and recommendations to EPA based on lessons learned for improving the process.
2005 – 2010 Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University.

  • Lecturer in Horticulture and Forestry Department,
  • Researcher in Genetic Resources Center.
  • Head of Unconventional Crops – Protected Agriculture Center



Scientific and Social Contribution:
  • Worked in developing the curriculum of Science for 4,5 and 6 Classes of basic education.
  • Foundation of the tissue culture unit within the faculty of science of Sana’a University with the main objective of production of rare and endangered  wild plants, as well as plants difficult to propagate.
  • Founder and member of female academic forum of Sana’a University and head of training and qualification committee of the forum (Dec. 2014 – to date).
  • Student activities supervision (March 2012 to March 2014).
  • Deputy head of academia of Sana’a university (2015 to date)
  • Member in Together To Live Initiative for war affected people- voluntary activities (May 2015 to date)
  • Volunteer in natural treatment of nematode using local natural herbs as alternatives for chemical treatments. – Environment Protection Authority  (EPA). (Jan. 2012 to Jan. 2013)
Academic Experience:
  • Head of plant section of biology department of faculty of science (2013- 2016.
  • Member of the control committee for the exams of different departments of faculty of science (2013 and 2014).
  • Member of a committee on setting standards for admission of students in different department (2015 and 2016).
  • Member  of committee on acceptance of Post-graduation students (MSc and PhD Students) (2012 and 2013)


Conferences and Workshops:

  • Participated with a country paper on Yemen’s Science. Technology and Innovation Profile, in Malaysia Technical cooperation program – science, technology and innovation management training course for researches in OIC countries , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 4-13/10/2015.
  • Participation the conference on women in science for sustainable development –investigation of antioxidants and antibacterial effects of Dodonea viscose Fragria x ananas duch and Vernonia amygdalina leaves. Taiz 2014.
  • Participation the conference on women in science for sustainable development – Phytochemical screening, total phenolics and antioxidant and antibacterial activities of callus from Brassica nigra l., hypocotyls explant. Ibb- 2013.
  • Participated in the International Conference on Women in Science and Technology in the Arab Countries, Kuwait (April 21-23, 2013).
  • Participated in a training course on plant tissue culture Malaysia- 14/8 to 28/8/2006.
  • Participated in Middle East and Northern African Business Women’s Summit –Tunisia (2005).
  • Participated in the workshop on Responsible Science and Safe Laboratory Practices at Sana’a University, Sana’a – 29-30 December 2014.
  • Participated, as a representative of the Centre for Environment protected agricultural, in the Festival of the Faculty of Agriculture for ornamental plants and flowers for the period 2014.
  • Participation in several exhibitions on medicinal plants and drugs manufactured locally at the College of Pharmacology during the period 2012 – 2014.
  • Participated in and coordinated all workshops carried out by the Genetic resource Centre in Sana’a, Taiz and Aden.
  • Participated in the annual scientific conference organized by the scientific annual Journal of the Faculty of Science.


Research and scientific papers:

List of Published Researches

# Research Title Name of Bulletin and Date of Publishing Author Order
1 Enhancement of Aglaonema Commutatum Propagation using Thidiazuron and Naphthalene Acetic Acid in Vitro London Journal of Medical and Health Research Volume 21 | Issue 1 | Compilation 1.0 – 2021 Page 6-14. First
2 Saponins, Glycosides and Flavonoids in Cells and Tissues of Balanites Aegyptiaca Cultured on Solid and Liquid Culture Media Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Available online on 15.9.2019 at Volume 5, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 16-20 First
3 Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Psidium Guajava (Guava) Medicinal Plant Leaves Used in Folk Medicine for Treatmentof wond and burns in Hufash District Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Available online on 15.5.2019 at Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 6-13. Second
4 Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of Colocasia Esculenta (Taro) Medicinal Plant Leaves Used in Folk Medicine for Treatment of Wounds and Burns in Hufash District Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research  Available online on 15.5.2019 at Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019, Page 30-35. Second
5 Phytochemical Screening and Thin Layer Chromatographic of Prunus Dulcis (Almond) Medicinal Plant Leaves Used in Folk Medicine for Treatment of Wounds and Burns in Hufash District Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Available online on 15.5.2019 at – Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 19- 23. First
6 Native Yemeni Plumbago auriculata as a Promising Antioxidant and Antifungal Plant against Different Fusarium species  PSM Biological Research | Volume 3│Issue 3│92-98


7 The effect of Rumex nervosus Vahl leaves on high fat diet-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Albino rats. International Journal of Chemical Science Online ISSN: 2523-2843, Print ISSN: 2523-6075 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22 Volume 1; Issue 2; November 2017; Page No. 80-83 . November, 2017 Second
8 Breaking up dormancy of Adansonia digitata L. seeds and regeneration of plantlets from stem nodal segments in vitro. Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science, Faculty of science of Al-Azhar university – Egypt. 2016 First
9 In vitro Nematicidal Activity of Ten Plant Extracts Against Juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita. Egyptian Journal of Agro-nematology – Faculty of a agriculture, Cairo University – Egypt. 2015 Fourth
10 Hypoglycemic effect and in vitro antioxidant activity of methanolic extract from Argel (Solenostemma Argel) plant. International Journal of Herbal Medicine Available online at  – 2014. First
11 Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Yemeni Medicinal Plants Bulletin of the Faculty of Applied Science –BFAS- Taiz – 2013. Second
12 Investigation of the antioxidant and antibacterial effects of Dodonaea viscose, Fragaria x ananassa duch and Vernonia amygdalina leaves University of Aden Journal of Natural Applied Sciences- 2013. First
13 Natural treatment of Nematode through using local natural herbs from Yemeni Origin as alternatives to chemicals EPA Yemen – 2012 First
14 Phytochemical screening, total phenolics and antioxidant and antibacterial activities of callus from Brassica nigra l., hypocotyls explants International Journal of Pharmacology 6(4)446-453, 2010. Second
15 Experimental evaluation of the effect of darkness and illumination on callus of Nigella sativa L. Induced in vitro Bulletin of Faculty of Science Sana’a University – 2010. Second
16 Callus of Trigonella foenum graecum as a  plant tissue culture alternative of antibacterial activity Bulleting of Al-Azhar University Egypt 2008. Second