Aziza Musleh Taj Al-Deen
Personal Information:
Date and Place of Birth : 5/2/1967, Yemen
Gender : Female
Nationality : Yemeni
Marital status :Married, with 3 children
I am Aziza Taj Al Deen, Associate Professor of Plant Tissue Culture. I work in the Botany Division – Department of Biology Sciences – Faculty of Science – Sana’a University. Sana’a – Yemen. Post -graduated with PhD in Botany, specializing in plant tissue culture (2010). My first academic qualification was from the Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University. In the field of Horticulture in 1989. Then post-graduated with Master degree from the Department of Horticulture and Forestry – Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University in 2002 In the field of Horticulture specializing in ornamental plants.
- 2005-2010: Ph.D (Plant Tissue Culture)
Department of Biology, Section of Botany, Faculty of Sciences, Sana’a University, Yemen
- 1999- 2002: M.Sc (Ornamental Plants)
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University, Yemen
- 1989 B.Sc (Hons) (Agriculture Science)
Faculty of Agriculture, Sana`a University, Yemen
Current Position | |
Jan 2021 – to date | Faculty of Science, Sana’a University- Yemen
Associate Professor of Plant Tissue Culture |
Tasks | Lecturer in different botany courses including plant tissue culture techniques and applications as well as other relevant courses including e.g. population genetic etc. |
Jan. 2019 to Jan 2021 | Researcher in Faculty of Agriculture – Ain Shams University – Cairo Egypt |
Achievements | During this period I am conducting the following researches projects:
· Cell Suspension Culture of Hypericum Perforatum L. as an attractive alternative for Production of Medical Compounds; · Comparative study of growth and production of active compounds and biosynthesis of Nano-silver by callus and cell suspensions of Balanites Aegyptiaca (Heglig) plant; · Micro-propagation of Aglaonema Sp.by plant tissue culture as alternative technique for commercial production of economic ornamental plants. · Some research activities are being implemented in coordination with Faculty of science of Azhar University e.g. (The comparative study of growth and production of active compounds and biosynthesis of Nano-silver by callus and cell suspensions of Balanites Aegyptiaca (Heglig) plant); · Participating in supervising graduation projects of BSc students of agronomy department of faculty of agriculture – Ain Shams University. |
2010 – December 2018 | Faculty of Science, Sana’a University- Yemen
Associate Professor and Head of Tissue Culture Unit |
Responsibilities | 1- Teaching theoretical & practical courses on Advance Plant Tissue Culture for MSc. Students.
2- Teaching the following theoretical and practical courses for BSc. Students of different levels: · Hormones and Plant Tissue Culture (level four) · Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (level four) · Plant Biotechnology ( level four) · Basic Plants Classification (level two) · Plant and environmental pollution (level four) · Plant Physiology (level three) 3- Thesis and researches projects supervision for MSc and PhD students on different subjects matters. 4- Design and establishment of Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Biotechnology Laboratory within the Department of Biology including institutional structure. 5- Design and implementation of different researches in the field of: Medicinal herbs that domain in Yemen environment using different techniques for extraction and measuring antioxidant activities, antimicrobial activities as effective elements for treating diabetes and high blood pressure. 6- Coordinating and supervising the scientific field visits and activities of the students 7- Participation in the committee for developing different curriculums for different levels. 8- Overall and day to day management of the tissue culture unit. |
Previous positions | |
Jan, 2012 to Jan 2013 | Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
Volunteer Expert on Natural treatment of Nematode through using local natural herbs from Yemeni Origin as alternatives to chemicals |
2005 – 2010 | Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University.
Scientific and Social Contribution: | |
Academic Experience: | |
Conferences and Workshops:
Participations: | |
Research and scientific papers:
List of Published Researches
# | Research Title | Name of Bulletin and Date of Publishing | Author Order |
1 | Enhancement of Aglaonema Commutatum Propagation using Thidiazuron and Naphthalene Acetic Acid in Vitro | London Journal of Medical and Health Research Volume 21 | Issue 1 | Compilation 1.0 – 2021 Page 6-14. | First |
2 | Saponins, Glycosides and Flavonoids in Cells and Tissues of Balanites Aegyptiaca Cultured on Solid and Liquid Culture Media | Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Available online on 15.9.2019 at http://ujpr.org Volume 5, Issue 4, 2020, Pages 16-20 | First |
3 | Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Psidium Guajava (Guava) Medicinal Plant Leaves Used in Folk Medicine for Treatmentof wond and burns in Hufash District Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen | Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Available online on 15.5.2019 at http://ujpr.org Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 6-13. | Second |
4 | Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of Colocasia Esculenta (Taro) Medicinal Plant Leaves Used in Folk Medicine for Treatment of Wounds and Burns in Hufash District Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen | Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Available online on 15.5.2019 at http://ujpr.org Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019, Page 30-35. | Second |
5 | Phytochemical Screening and Thin Layer Chromatographic of Prunus Dulcis (Almond) Medicinal Plant Leaves Used in Folk Medicine for Treatment of Wounds and Burns in Hufash District Al Mahweet Governorate–Yemen | Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Available online on 15.5.2019 at http://ujpr.org – Volume 4, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 19- 23. | First |
6 | Native Yemeni Plumbago auriculata as a Promising Antioxidant and Antifungal Plant against Different Fusarium species | PSM Biological Research | Volume 3│Issue 3│92-98 https://journals.psmpublishers.org/index.php/biolres
25/6/2018 |
First |
7 | The effect of Rumex nervosus Vahl leaves on high fat diet-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Albino rats. | International Journal of Chemical Science Online ISSN: 2523-2843, Print ISSN: 2523-6075 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22 www.chemicaljournals.com Volume 1; Issue 2; November 2017; Page No. 80-83 http://www.chemicaljournals.com/download/28/1-1-49-844.pdf) . November, 2017 | Second |
8 | Breaking up dormancy of Adansonia digitata L. seeds and regeneration of plantlets from stem nodal segments in vitro. | Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science, Faculty of science of Al-Azhar university – Egypt. 2016 | First |
9 | In vitro Nematicidal Activity of Ten Plant Extracts Against Juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita. | Egyptian Journal of Agro-nematology – Faculty of a agriculture, Cairo University – Egypt. 2015 | Fourth |
10 | Hypoglycemic effect and in vitro antioxidant activity of methanolic extract from Argel (Solenostemma Argel) plant. | International Journal of Herbal Medicine Available online at www.florajournal.com – 2014. | First |
11 | Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Yemeni Medicinal Plants | Bulletin of the Faculty of Applied Science –BFAS- Taiz – 2013. | Second |
12 | Investigation of the antioxidant and antibacterial effects of Dodonaea viscose, Fragaria x ananassa duch and Vernonia amygdalina leaves | University of Aden Journal of Natural Applied Sciences- 2013. | First |
13 | Natural treatment of Nematode through using local natural herbs from Yemeni Origin as alternatives to chemicals | EPA Yemen – 2012 | First |
14 | Phytochemical screening, total phenolics and antioxidant and antibacterial activities of callus from Brassica nigra l., hypocotyls explants | International Journal of Pharmacology 6(4)446-453, 2010. | Second |
15 | Experimental evaluation of the effect of darkness and illumination on callus of Nigella sativa L. Induced in vitro | Bulletin of Faculty of Science Sana’a University – 2010. | Second |
16 | Callus of Trigonella foenum graecum as a plant tissue culture alternative of antibacterial activity | Bulleting of Al-Azhar University Egypt 2008. | Second |