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Wea’am Mahyoub Ahmed Qasim Al Kamali


Personal Information:

  • Name: Wea’am Mahyoub Ahmed Qasim Al Kamali
  • Date and place of birth: 1987, Taiz.
  • Nationality:
  • Address: Sixty Street – Sanaa – Yemen.


Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)

  • Weaam Al-Kamali – lecture in Biological sciences department, Microbiology Division, College of Science, Sana’a University. I live in Sixty Street, Amanat Al Asimh, Sanaa Yemen. I have participated in many workshops and training courses in the field of Microbiology, and is currently a PhD student in the department.



  • 2017: Master degree in microbiology (Industrial and Biotechnological of Microbiology – Bacteria, getting excellent result.
  • 2011-2012: Pre-master in Microbiology, Faculty of science at Sana’a University, getting 88.57% very good result.
  • 2008-2009: B.A in microbiology, Faculty of science at Sana’a University, the 1st rank in this batch, with a grade of 82.44% (very good).
  • 2005: Diploma of computer science (Excellent).
  • 2003-2004: Holds a high school diploma (Scientific Section), getting 77.65% (good).
  • 2014: English language courses.



  • 2011- Now: Currently, I am Lecturer of Microbiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
  • Teaching (Microbiology – Fungi – Microbial Analysis – Relationship between host and parasite – Water and food microbiology – Microbial Genetics – Biological control- Biology Plant Pathology – Flowering plant – Science of plant morphology – Medical and aromatic plants).


Conferences and Workshops:

  1. 2019: Participating of SANDIA society workshop on in Central Veterinary Laboratory on Biosecurity risk assessment, good laboratory work practices, decontamination and biological waste disposal.
  2. 2018: Participating of medicine and health Faculty for workshop on the golden rules of basic principles of research methodology & statistics Sana’a University.
  3. 2015: Participating of American society for Microbiology workshop on Culture of Responsibility Biology safety in Sana’a University.
  4. 2014: Participating of American society for Microbiology workshop on research misconduct in Yemen and private Institutions between fact and reality Sana’a University.
  5. 2008: Training course in first aid / Hospital of the University of Science and Technology estimate (Excellent).
  6. 2008: Training course in biological (tissue culture) Faculty of Science, University of Tanta – Egypt appreciated (Excellent).

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