Fatima Ahmed Alhadi
أستاذ مشارك
Fatima Ahmed Alhadi (Ph.D.)
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Email: f.alhadi@su.edu.ye : om_munib@yahoo.com:fatimaalhadi60@gmail.com
Personal information
Place &DOB: USA, 09-21-1960
Nationality: Yemeni
Marital status: Married
Gender: Female
No. of children: 42&2) )
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Specialization: Botany, Plant Physiology (Ecological –Physiology)
Ph.D. (2005) Botany Dept., Faculty of Science, Alazhar University, Cairo, Egypt
Ecological Plant Physiology
Thesis Title: “Morphological, Physiological and Anatomical Studies on Solanum incanum growing in different habitats in Yemen.
MSc. (Honors) (1995) Biology, Dept., Faculty of Science, Sana’a, University, Yemen
Plant Physiology
Thesis Title: “Physiological Responses of Pre-soaked Seeds of Trigonella foenum- graecum L.
In GA3 growing under water stress.”
BSc. (Honors) (1985) Biology, Dept., Faculty of Science, Sana’a, University, Yemen
Biology -Chemistry
GPA. 3.1/4 (Excellent)
Academic Responsibilities
Courses Taught During 2005-Now
MSc courses:
• Advanced Plant Physiology
BSc courses:
• Plant Physiology (1& 2)
• Plant Ecology (General)
• Plant & Pollution (Environmental assessment)
• Plant Geography (National and World affiliation)
• Plant Morphology & Anatomy (Basics)
• Plant Taxonomy (1&2)
• Plant Growth Regulators and Tissue Culture (Basics)
• Flora of Yemen (Plant Diversity)
• Ethnobotany
• Graduation projects (Miscellaneous topics)
Supervision Of Thesis:
• Fathia M. Salam M. Salam MSc. Thesis “Micropropagation of Some Commercial Cultivars of Cut Flower Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) 2013
• Amal Nasser Al-Shodmey MSc. Thesis “Characterization of Widely grown varieties of Pomegranate from Yemen (Punica granatum L.) 2013.
• Sadek Al-Nabhani PhD. “Alleviation of adverse effects of drought stress on
Soybean (Glycine max) and (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp ) by hormonal and chemical treatments, a step towards climate changes adaptation” (2011- )
• Enas G. Alsanabani PhD. “Biological Responses of Nigella sativa plant under non-biological stresses” (2011-2020).
• Amani Lutf Al-Hammami MSC. Thesis “The Therapeutic Effect of Costus speciosis Extract on Atherogenic Induced Rabbits” (2017).
• Samar Aljarbany “Determination of Some Heavy Metals in Two Vegetables of Brassicaceae Cultivated at the Capital Sana’a Secretariat. (2014).
• Amel Murshed“Taxonomical Study on the Genus Bidens L.in Sana’a City- Yemen (2019-2023)
• Abdul-Aziz “Genetic Identification of Drought Tolerance of some Yemeni Millets Landraces using Suitable Genetic Markers (2018).
• Safaa Alsoodi “Effect of Garlic Extract for the Mitigation of Toxicity and Oxidative Effects of CCL4 on Rabbit Tissues (2018)
• Samir A. Al-Haidary PhD. “Phytochemical Analysis of Coffee (C Arabica) cultivars grown in Yemen. (2020- ).
• Fathia Salam PhD.” Biological Studies on Micropropagation of Wild Pulicaria Species Grown in Ibb Governorate Yemen (2021-)
• Abeer A. Al-washali MSc. “The effects of plant extracts on the growth of some economical plants “(2021- ).
• Ahlam Alraee PhD. “Phytochemical and Biological Studies on three Species of the Tribe Amarantheae growing in Sana’a -Yemen” (2023- )
Arbitration of Thesis:
• Sami Thumran MSc. Thesis “Characterization of some Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) landraces collected from Yemen on the basis of protein and DNA markers. (2012)
• Sami Albarati MSc. Thesis “Vegetation of Wadi Ashref, Bany Mater district, Sana’a governorate – Yemen Republic (2011).
• Nailah Alguri MSc. Thesis” Evaluation Bioactivity of Dodonea viscosa and Micromeria imbricata collected from Taiz governate-Yemen (2021).
• Nagi Mohamed Zaid PhD Using Gamma rays and hybridization to improve the productivity of Fenugreek 2014.
Administrative Positions
• Acting Deputy Director, Science, and Technology Center, Sana’a University (2011- 2018).
• Member of The Faculty of Science Council (Representative of the Assistant Professors 2 yr. term).
• Head of the Botany Section (2005-2011).
•Member of the Yemeni Biological Society.
• Founder member of the Yemeni Biosafety Association.
Conferences, Symposiums, and Workshops
•2022 Workshop on how to write scientific papers. Faculty of Science Sana’a Univ.-Yemen (Quest Speaker)
• 2021 The training workshop on teaching and evaluation strategies and building tests for academic programs and courses that have been described according to quality standards (Academic Accreditation Center -Sana’a University)
• 2021 National Seminar on the Future of Coffee in Yemen (Ministry of Agriculture)
• 2014 Responsible Science and Safe Laboratory Practices at Sana’a University Workshop, Faculty of Medicine sponsored by the US National Academy of Sciences
• 2014 2nd MENA Educational Institute on Responsible Science Workshop sponsored by the US National Academy of Sciences (Trieste, Italy).
• 2012 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine. Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences April 13-15, 2012, Tempe, Arizona, USA
• 2012 National workshop for effective participation in the Biosafety Clearing House. (Organized by Environment Protection Authority) Dec. 6, 2012
• 2012 IFBA: Global Biosafety and Biosecurity: Building Sustainable Capacity.Sandton Convention Centre, June 28-29, 2012Johannesburg, South Africa
• 2012 Third workshop on Cartagena Protocol and Biosafety Clearing House. (Organized by Environment Protection Authority) Sept. 15-23, 2012
• 2011 3rd Biosafety & Biosecurity International Conference. 13-15 September 2011 Amman, Jordan
• 2010 The Yemeni Biological Society’s seventh scientific conference. paper” The impact of altitude on the anatomy of Solanum incanum collected from different locations in Yemen” Sana’a, 28-29, Sept. 2010.
• 2010 Laboratory Manuals and practical work, MASTERY project Training Workshop: Held at Sana’a, 29-31 March 2010.
• 2009 Workshop on Self-Evaluation and Program Specification. Training Workshop Organized by British Council, Held at Sana’a University, 29-30 July 2009.
• 2009 Training Workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (2), within the Yemeni Dutch cooperation project MASTERY framework. Held at Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen, 20-21 July 2009.
• 2009 Regional Seminar on “The role of Creative Arab Women in achieving comprehensive Development” Organized by ISESCO & the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Amman, Jordan, Dec. 6-8, 2009.
• 2009 Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Flowers and Ornamental Plants Festival 19-21 May 2009 Sana’a University.
• 2008Workshop on “Managing effective meetings” held at Sana’a Univ. 20, Oct. 2008
• 2008 Training Workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (1), Sponsored by The Centre for International Cooperation (CIS) Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Held at Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen, 16-18 November 2008.
• 2008 Training Workshop for Teacher Assistances and Technicians (TRAINER), Held at Sana’a University, July19-Aug. 6, 2008.
• 2008 Tailor-made training and developing program for the preparation of science and mathematics subject methodology courses at Sanaa, Thamar, and Alhodaidah Universities” Organized by (CIC), Held at VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands18-29 August 2008
• 2008 Faculty Development Sessions, organized by Oregon State University English Language Institute, as part of Oregon State University-Yemen Higher Education Development Project, Held at Sana’a University, May 2008, (13 Hours)
• 2007 Training course on ” Teaching at University level: Methods, Approaches, Teaching Technology and Evaluation”, Organized by University Education Development Center, Sana’a University, April 15, to May 6, 2007 (52Hours)
• 2007 Seminar on “Yemen Towards Excellence Quality in Higher Education: Self Evaluation is Key” Held at Sana’a University, sponsored by DAAD & Higher Education Development Project, Yemen. September 9-11, 2007.
• 2007 National Conference for the development of the first general framework for a strategy to bring unleaded gasoline in the Republic of Yemen. 03/14/2007 Sanaa
• 2007 International Conference on Women Leaders in Science, Technology, and Engineering 8-10, January 2007- Kuwait
• 2007 Intensive training course in techniques and qualitative research skills from a gender perspective, held at Sana’a University, sponsored by UNFPA & GDRSC. Nov. 20-22,2007.
• 2007 Training course in Qualitative research Analysis from a gender perspective, held at Sana’a University, sponsored by UNFPA & GDRSC. Feb. 11-15, 2007.
• 2007 The First Regional Conference and Scientific Exhibition on Medicinal, aromatic and Poisonous Plants, Sana’a Univ., 16-18, April 2007
• 2007 1st Biosafety & Biosecurity International Conference12-14, November,2007 Abu Dhabi, UAE
• 2006 Workshop on Protected Area Assessment in Yemen. (Organized by IUCN & Environment Protection Authority) 19, April 2006.
• 2006 Workshop on Assessment of the Draft of the National Guide of Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora) organized by The Environment Protection Authority. Sana’a August 26, 2006.
• 2006 The special workshop to rectify the science curriculum document for the general education stage. Organized by the Curricula and development sector, Ministry of Education, 19-25,08,2006,
• 2005 Third Biology Society Scientific Symposium, held at Sana’a, 28-29, Nov. 2005.
• 2005 “Traffic activities and plants” in Traffic and Environment Symposium. Fatima A. Alhadi and A.S.A Alhammadi (2005), organized by Sana’a Municipality, EPA, and University of Sanaa on 7-10 May 2005, Sana’a Republic of Yemen
Professional Services
1-Participating in Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Reform in Yemen (MASTERY) projects (Biology), (2005- 2011) Netherlands-funded project
a- As editor of biology Standards in the Mastery project
b- As a trainer for Training technicians from three national universities (Sana’a, Hodeida, and Thamar) as part of the (MASTERY) project.
2- Head of the Review &Approval Team for “The guide for school labs” Curriculum sector and directive – Ministry of Education, Yemen.
3- Biology department member in faculty committee to prepare the financial report of the faculty 2013.
4- English Language final revision of scientific thesis and scientific papers.
5- Prepare Final Biology Exams for the Grade 12 English section (Ministry of Education) for many years.
6- Committee member in preparing and executing new BSc. Programs (Botany Section) 2020.
7- Consultant to the Supreme Authority for Science, Technology, and Innovation 2023.
Technical Experience:
Windows-based software programs like MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Minitab Statistical package.
University President Award for top university researchers (2024).
University President Award for top university researchers (2023).
Responsible Science financial award to conduct a workshop on Safety in the Lab.
Doctoral Fellowship by the University of Sana’a, Yemen Republic 1999-2004 to Alazhar, University Cairo, Egypt.
1 Alhadi F. A., Yasseen, B.T. and Al-Dubaie, A.S. “Changes in carbohydrate and nitrogen fractions during germination of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum- graecum L.) seeds presoaked in GA3, growing under different osmotic potential. Qatar Univ.Sci.J. ,17 (2): 271-279 (1997).,.
2 Alhadi Fatima A, Bassam, Taha Y. and Mahmoud Jabr “Water stress and gibberellic acid effects on growth of fenugreek plants”. Irrig Sci., 18: 185-190. (1999)
3 Ebad, Fowzia , A. ; Safa M. Ismaiel; M. M. Gabr and Fatima Alhadi ‘”Influence of Altitudinal Gradient on some Physiological and Ecological aspects of Solanum incanum L. growing Naturally in Yemen”. Egyptian J. Desert Res.,56, No. 2,243-258 (2006).
4 Hassan M. Ibrahim; Fatima A. Alhadi: “ Notes on the flora of Yemen No.1 Morphological and Anatomical Studies on Cuscuta planiflora Tenore. (Cuscutaceae) Collected from Jabal An-Nabi Shu’ayb Sana’a Yemen, with reference of its Phytogeographical distribution. Univ.Aden J.Nat. and Appl.Sc. Vol. 13 pp 357-364 December 2009.
5 B.T. Yasseen, M.A. Abo-Al-Basal and F.A. Alhadi “An Analysis of Leaf Growth under Osmotic Stress “(Review) J. of Plant Science,
Vol. 5 (4) pp 391-401(2010).
7 Alhadi, Fatima A., Adnan A.S. AL-Asbahi*, Arif S.A. Alhammadi, and
Qais A.A. Abdullah” The effects of free amino acids profiles on seeds germination/dormancy and seedlings development of two genetically different cultivars of Yemeni Pomegranates” Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 8 No. 1 2012, pp. 114-137 ISSN 1997-0838 (2012).
8 “Fatima A. Alhadi and Hassan M. Ibrahim, “Study on the flora of Shibam and surrounding areas, Republic of Yemen”. Faculty of Science Bulletin, 24, 91-101, (2012)
9 Khalid Mohammed Naji, Elham Shukri Al-Shaibani, Fatima A. Alhadi, Safa’a Abdulrzaq Al-Soudi & Myrene R. D’souza “Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Single Clove Garlic against CCl4-induced hepatic damage in rabbits”. BMC Complement Altern Med. 17:1-12 DOI 10.1186/s12906-017-1916-8, (2017)
10 Effect of Cd and Pb on germination and early seedling growth of black seed (Nigella sativa L.)
EJ AL-Sanabani, FA Alhadi, KM Al-Amary, MA Hussain
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 22 (1), 87-97 (2018)
11 Effect of Pre-soaking by distilled water on seeds germination of black seeds (Nigella sativa L.) under salinity stress
EJ AL-Sanabani, FA Alhadi, KN Al-Amary, MA Hussain
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 22 (2), 383-392 (2018)
12 Yasseen BT., Al-Thani RF, Alhadi FA. and Abbas RAA. Review Article Open Access “Soluble Sugars in Plants Under Stress at the Arabian Gulf Region, Possible Roles of Microorganisms”J.of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology.(2018)
13 Ali Gamal Al-Kaf, Aziza M. Taj Al-Deen Samir Ahmed Ali Alhaidari and Fatima A. Alhadi “Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial activity Colocasia Esculenta Medicinal plant leaves used in Folk Medicine for treatment of Wounds and Burns in Hufash District Al-Mahweet Governerrate – Yemen.” Univ.J.of Pharmaceutical Research.Vol.4, Issue 2,2019.
14 Samir Ahmed Ali Alhaidari, Aziza M. Taj Al-Deen Ali Gamal Al-Kaf, Fatima A. Alhadi, Qais Abdullah, Anas Almahbashi, and Fouad A.Al-Dubai “Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activity of Psisium Guajava Medicinal plant leaves used in Folk Medicine for treatment of Wounds and Burns in Hufash District Al-Mahweet Governerate – Yemen.” Univ.J.of Pharmaceutical Research.Vol.4, Issue 2, 2019.
15 Aziza M. Taj Al-Deen, Samir Ahmed Ali Alhaidari, Ali Gamal Al-Kaf, Fatima A. Alhadi and Anas Almahbashi, “Phytochemical Screening and Thin Layer Chromatographic of Prunus Dulcis Medicinal plant leaves used in Folk Medicine for treatment of Wounds and Burns in Hufash District Al-Mahweet Governerate – Yemen.” Univ.J.of Pharmaceutical Research.Vol.4, Issue 2,2019.
16 Shediwah FM, Nagi KM, Gumaih HS, Alhadi FA, Al-Hammami AL and D’SouzaMR “Antioxidant and Antihyperlipidemic activity of Costus speciosus against atherogenic diet induced hyperlipidemia in rabbits” J.of Integrative Med.Vol.17, Issue 3, p.181-191.(2019)
17 HM Ibrahim, FA Alhadi, YA El-Amier, AA Murshed
Leaf architecture of Bidens (Asteraceae) in Sana’a city and its taxonomical significance. Phytol. Balcan 26 (3), 495-504 (2020)
18 Fathia Mohamed Noman Salam1, Fatima Ahmed Alhadi, Mansoor Abdalhaleem Al-Thobhani . “Effect of Full and Half MS-Salt Strength on Some Commercial Cultivars of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) PSM Biological Research ISSN (Online) │Volume 6│Issue p. 5-12, (2021).
19 Alhadi, FA, Alkadasy, AK. Al Kholani ,AM. “Effect of Polyethylene glycol-6000 on germination, growth and proline contents on some Yemeni Pearl millets landraces.” Yemeni J. of Agricultural Research and Studies Vol 3, 2021.
20 HM Ibrahim, FA Alhadi, AA Murshed, ANA Al-Gifri “Bidens aurea (Asteraceae), a new record to the Flora of Yemen”. PSM Biological Research 7 (1), 1-13 (2022)
21 Alhadi, F.A.,Ibrahim, H.M., Alkadasy, A.K. “Evaluation of some growth parameters of Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L. R.Br) Landraces Cultivated in Al-Mawaset District, Taiz Governorate, YEMEN.” Sana’a Univ. J. of Applied Science and Technology Vol 1, No.4 p400-410. 2023.
22 Ibrahim H M., Alhadi, F.A., Alhaidrai, S.A. “Soil Characters of the Four Main Coffea arabica L. Cultivars in Yemen” Sana’a University J. of Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol.2, No.3, p241-253(2024).
Updated Nov. 16, 2024