Mukhtar Abdo Mohammed
Associate Professor
Date of birth 28/11/1967
Address: alasbahi (district almohandessin)
Graduation country : china
Associate professor, department of Biology
- Faculties that I taught at Sana’a University (College of Science – College of Education – College of Agriculture). The courses I taught (general biology – cell science – traditional genetics – molecular genetics – biotechnology – industrial microbiology).
- Faculties that I taught at Ibb University (College of Science – College of Dentistry – College of Agriculture). Courses I taught (general microbiology – biotechnology – food microbiology – food quality and evaluation – post-harvest treatments).
- Vice Dean of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine 2006 – 2009. Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology 2005 – 2009.
- Supervising Master’s and Ph.D. theses and teaching an advanced biotechnology course.
- Bachelor of microbiology , AIN-SHAMES UNIVERSITY ,EGYPT
- Master: Microbiology, ZHEJIANA UNIVERSITY, CHINA
- PhD: Microbiology (Biosystem Engineering) ZHEJIANA UNIVERSITY, CHINA
- Member of the faculty of Sana’a University 2012 – 2022
- Faculty Member, Ibb University 2004 – 2011
- Assistant Specialist Sana’a University 1992-1997
- Supervision of MSC and Phd research, Advavce biotechnology teaching.
- Languages (Arabic, English, Chinese).
- Vice dean 2006-2009 faculty of Agriculture, Ibb Uni & Head of the department of Food Science 2005-2009.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Curriculum development workshop, Sana’a University, 2021-2022.
- Curriculum Development Workshop Ibb University 2008 – 2009
- Bio-fertilization conference Ain shams University.
- Genetically modified foods.
- The National Symposium on Beekeeping in the Republic of Yemen 2008 Sana’a University – College of Agriculture.
Research and scientific papers:
- Optimization of medium composition for the production of elastase by Bacillus sp. EL3140 with response surface methodology (Enzyme and Microbial Technology 30 – 2002. 667-672).
- Optimization of cultural conditions for thermostable 1,3-1,4 glucanase production by Bacillus subtilis ZGF-1A5 (Journal of Zhejiang University Science V.4,No.6.P.719-726, Nov.- Dec., 2003).
- دراسة المكونات الكيميائية والطبيعية لأنواع من الأعسال المستورد ومقارنتها بأنواع من الأعسال اليمنية (مجلة العلوم التطبيقية جامعة حضرموت 2008).
- Evaluation and Utilization of Germinated Leblab Bean seeds flour and protein concentrate in Cake (YEMENI JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH 2009 ).
- Genomic epidemiology of the cholera epidemicin Yemen reveal the succession of epidemic clones driven by the acquisition of multi-drug resistance plasmid (under publication 2021).