Abdo Mohamed Ali Dahmash
Work address: Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
Permanents position: Associate professor (Plant Ecology) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
1981-1987: B.Sc. Degree (Botany), Botany Department, Faculty of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
1987-1996: M.Sc. Degree in Botany (Plant Ecology),Biology Department of , Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
Title: Autecology Studies on Catha edulis in Yemen.
1997-2001:Ph.D.Degree in Botany(Plant Ecology), Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Zgazig University, Egypt.
Title: Ecological studies on communities in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University. Egypt.
-1988-1996: Demonstrator in Biology Department, Faculty of Science. Sana’a University, Yemen.
-2001-2010:Assistant Professorof plant Ecology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
-2010 November- till now: Associate Professor of plant Ecology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
A- Under graduate courses
General botany1&2, Systematic Botany, Plant community, Plant ecology, Flora of Yemen, – Plant geography, -Plant anatomy, -Plant Taxonomy1&2, Medicinal and aromatic plants, -Plant Morphology, -Soil classification, -General Biology1, – General Biology2, -, Phycology , -Archegoniate and Fossils, and –Economic of botany.
B-Post graduate courses
Advanced Plant Ecology, Vegetation analysis, Advanced plant geography, Advanced plant Taxonomy, Advanced plant anatomy and Advanced plant Phycology.
٭MSc.Thesis :External examiner for Master and Ph.D.students in Sana’a University and Aden University(Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University and Biology Department, Faculty of Education, Aden University, Yemen).
٭ Reearch Proposals:Reviewer of many Ph.D.and MSc. Research proposal: Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University and Biology Department , Faculty of Education, Aden University.
1-Participation in the Arab Biology Conference Cairo University, Egypt, November 21-23th1998, Egypt.
2- Participation in entiled( Bioremediation for the decontamination of Environmental pollutants). Zagazig University, December 1-2 1999, Zagazig, Egypt.
3- Participation in Thousands3rd-The 8the Conference of Egyptian Society, Medicinal plants.December2nd 1999, Cairo Univerity, Cairo, Egypt.
4- Participation in Aromatic plants and third Thousands,November21-22th 2000, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt.
5- Participation in the Third Conference Science, Yemeni Fundation, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, October 11-13th 2001 Sana’a, Yemen.
6-Participation in the Second Conference of Yemeni Society11-13 November, 2005, in Yemeni Foundation place. Sana’a. Yemen.
7-Participation in the Third Conference of Yemeni Society11-13 November, 2006, in Yemeni Foundation place Sana’a. Yemen.
8-Participation in the Second Conference for Environmental and nature Resources, May 14-15, 2007, Taiz University,Taiz, Yemen.
9 -Participation in Symposium in Chemistry and industrial development (5-11 November, 2007 Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen.
10-Participation in the Fourth conference of Yemeni Society11-13 November, 2007, Yemeni Foundation place, Sana’a, Yemen.
11-Participation in the Fifth Conference of Yemeni Society11-13 November, 2008, Hadramout University for Science and Technology, AlMukala, Yemen.
12-Participation in the 6th Conference of Yemeni Society14-15November, 2009 Taiz University, Taiz Yemen.
13- Participation the 1stEnvironmental Conferance17-18 March,2010, Dhmar University , Dhamar Yemen.
14-Participation the 1st Annual International Conference,1-3th August, 2010,(Environmental Science and Technology), Ibb University, Ibb, Yemen.
15-Participation The 1st Annual International Conference of sustainable development14-15 Dcember, 2012,Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen.
16-Participation in many workshops in biodiversity in Authority of Environmental protection, Sana’a Yemen And Training in Education development Center, Sana’a University , Sana’a ,Yemen.
1-Dahmash,A. M.A.;Othman S.S.Hamood and Salah M.I.El-Naggar(2012).Studies on the flora of Yemen: Flora of Toor Al-Baha district, Laheg Yemen.Ass.Univ.Bull.Environ.Res. 15(2):63-81.
2-Dahmas,M.A.A.(2013).Flora of Bany Hushaysh district,Sanaa governorate,Yemem.Univ.Aden J.Nat.and Appl.Sc. 17(2): 435-443.
3-DAhmash,M.A.A.(2013).Flora of At-Tawila district,AlMahwit governorate, Yemen. Univ.Aden J.Nat.and Appl.Sc. 17(3): 647-657.
4-Dahmash,A.M.A. (2015). Studies on the Flora of Yemen: Flora of Kharab AlMarash, governornorate , Repuplic of Yemen. Scientific Journal for Damietta Faculty of Science ,4(1): 45-54.
5-Othman Saad Saeed Hamood Al-Hawshabi1, Abdul-Hakim Abdul-Ghani,Mohammed AbdullahHussein and Abdo Mohammed Ali Dahmash(2015).Indigofera tritavar. Subulata (Fabaceae= Papilionaceae): A New Record to the Flora of Yemen.International Journal of Science and Research 4 (9):894-897.
6-Dahmas, A.M.A.(2008). The study of local environment of some wild plants in Badan area , Ibb governorate, Yemen .Univ. Aden J. Nat. and Appl.Sc. 12(2):309- 319.
7-Dahmas,A.M.A,AbdulAl-NaserA,A.Al-Gefriand Abdullah, A. Al-Manhazy(2009).An Ecological study in wadi Hasanat , Salah District, Taiz governorate, Repuplic of Yemen.Al-Azhar Bull.Sci. 20(1): 51-66.
8-Dahmas,A.M.A.(2010).Preliminary study on vegetation diversity of Jabal Al-Modarete Ackwan, Saadah, Yemen,.Journal of Faculty of ScienceBulletin23 (1):1-10.
9- Ragab, I.A. El-Fattah&Dahmash, A.M.(1999). Ecological studies on some dominant species in theEastern in Egypt.(In press).
10-AbdEl-Fattah,R.I.&Dahmash,A.M.(2000).Vegetation-soil-relationshipand plant adaption in the north-eastern desert in Egypt.J.of Environment Research, ZgazigUnivirsty 2:1-18.
11-Zahran, M.A., Khedr, A.A. and Dahmash, A.M. (2002). Environmental impacts and future promise of Qat cultivation in Yemen. Int. Conf. For Development and Environment in the Arab World, March 26 – 28,Faculty of Science, Assiut University,Assiut, Egypt 425-438.
12- Dahmash,A.M.A.(2003).Study on Catha edulis in Yemen.The Science conference October 11-13,Seiyn,Hadramout, Repuplic of yemen(in press).
13-Dahmash, A.M.A..and Mahdi, A.O. (2003). Vegetation study of Wadi Dahr Area, the Second Conference(Environmental and nature Resources) Taiz University,May6-8th 2003 (In press). Taiz,Yemen.
14- Dahmash,A.M .A..(2003). Study on Catha edulis in Yemen. The Science Conference October 11-13th 2003 (in press),Seiuon Hadramout.Governorate, Yemen.
15- Dahmash,A.M.(2004).Ecological study on wild plants in Baadan area Ibb governorate, the First Conference of Yemeni Society ,Sana’a Yemen, November 11-13th 2004 (in press),Sana’a Yemen.
16- Dahmash,A.M.A.(2005) Study on dirking water in District of Taizia,Taiz governorate, Yemen, the 3rd Conference for Environmental and nature Resources. Taiz University, May 6-8th 2005(in press).Yemen.
17-Dahmas, A.M.A.(2005) Ecological studies on some dominant species in the Eastern desert of Egypt(in press).
18- Dahmash,A.M.A.(Under prep.).Floristic Diversity and Phytogeoraphyical of Kuhlan Affar Destrict,Hajjah Governorate,Repuplic of Yemen(36 familis, 74 genera and 107 species).
1. Al-Manhazy, A. A.(2009) .Studies on Flora of wadi Hasanat Salah District, Taiz governorate Yemen, Botany Section ,Biology Department,Facullty of Science, Sana’a University,Yemem. (Awarded in 13 January 2009).
2. Al-Seragy, A. M. (2009) Studies on Flora of Bany El-Harith District,Sana’a governorate, Yemen, Botany Section, Biology of Deparment,FaculltyofScience, Sana’a University,Yemem. (Awarded in 1 stSeptember 2009).
3. Ismail,A.K.(2010). Ethno flora of Sharaab Al-RawnaDistrict, Taiz governorate, Yemen. Yemen, Botany Section, Biology Deparment, Facullty of Science, Sana’a University,Yemem (Awarded in 20 February 2010).
PhD. Thesis
1-Othman, S. S. (2012) Flora Toor Al-Baha District, Lahej governorate. Bilogy, Department, Faculty of Science,Sanaa University,Yemen. (A warded in June 2012).
M. Sc. Thesis
-Senan, K.S. (2012).Study of Floristic Composition on Adminah Khadeer District,Taiz,Governorate. Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University. Yemen (not completed).
PhD. Thesis
– Alhood, A.N.H.(2015).Taxonomic Study of Succulent plans (Aloaceae,Apocynaceae= Asclepiadaceae,Crassulaceae and Euphorbiaceae) In Adhala Governorate, Republic of Yemen. Thesis registered in Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
-Secretary General of the Council of the Department of Biology in 2005
-Member of the Commission of inquiry in College of Science during final examination in 2005.
-Chairman of the Clearing of the Department of Biology since 2002-2007.
-Member of the Committee of graduate studies since 2007-till now.
– Member of the Scientific Committee at the first annual flower festival in 2009.
-Educational farm in the Official section in Biology Department in 2009.
– Member of the preparatory Committee in the second annual flower festival in 2010.
– Head of Biology Department during 2010and 2014(Short time)
-Member of Community in higher Education in Biology Department , Faculty of Science, Sana’a University from 2007-till now.