Mahmoud Mohammed Al-Azab
Personal Information:
- Name :Mahmoud Mohammed Al-Azab
- Associate Professor of Microbiology (Microbial Biotechnology)
- Date of Birth : 1-3-1973 Place of Birth :Mashra’a and Hadanan- Taiz
- Present address: (Shamlan ) Sana’a
- National : Yemeni Religion : Islam
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar&user=KdkAAH4AAAAJ
Summary :
I’m Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed Abdullah Al-Azab . Date of birth 1 March 1973 in Al-Nagd in Mashra’a and Hadanan- Taiz .I have got Bachelor’s Degree, Biology (Microbiology) with general grade: (93%), Excellent from Omar Al-Mokhtar University – Libya 10- 1996. I have get Master’s Degree: Plant Pathology from Agriculture college-Sana’a University in 2002 General Grade: (96%), Excellent. I have got PhD degree from Faculty: Science Department , Biology major Microbiology and minor Microbial Biotechnology with GPA : 4.96/5 General Grade: Excellent in 26-8-2009. In 2011 I was appointed as assistant Professor of Microbiology in Mareeb college Sana’a University and worked as Head of biological department. In May 2012 I was appointed as voice dean of Mareeb college. In March 2015 I was transported to Sana’a science college and till present in department Biology. In present time: I am interested in Biotechnology as biofuel, bio-products and bio-fertilizer.
2003-2009: PhD degree of Microbiology (Microbial Biotechnology) from Science college ,Biology department , King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
1999-2001: Master of Plant Pathology( Mycotoxins) from Science Agri college , protection of plant department , Sana’a University
1993-1997: Bachelor Degree of Microbiology , Science Agri college ,protection plant department from Omar Al-Mokhtar University, Libya
A-Teaching Experiences
I had educated many courses at various Universities as the following :
*Assistant Professor of Biotechnology and Biocontrol courses in Science college , Biology, Sana’a University at period 2015-2021
*Assistant Professor of plant pathology and Insects courses in Science college , Biology, Sana’a University at period 2015-2021
*Assistant Professor of Biotechnology and Molecular course for master’s degree in pharmacology department, Science &Technology ,Sana’a in 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014
*Assistant Professor of Biotechnology course , Molecular course ,Fungi course and Biological control at Sana’a University 2018,2017,2016 and 2015
*Assistant Professor of Microbial Biotechnology and Medical fungi courses in medical Ibn Sina -King Abdul-Aziz University-Jeddah Saudi Arabia in 1009-2011
*Assistant Professor of microbiology courses in medical in health & Community College -King Abdul-Aziz University-Jeddah Saudi Arabia in 2009-2010
B-Administrative Experience:
*Vice-dean in Mareeb college for Science at period 2012-2014
*An academic Advisor , in education of from away, Sana’a university , branch of Jeddah (2006-2009)
-Supervisor in quality management Alkhaleej Food Company in 2004-2006 *
*Supervisor in tameemi company in King Abdul-Aziz University-Jeddah after incidence of toxic problem 2003-2004
Conferences and Workshops:
*Fourth national conference (suppositional) of medical plant biotechnology, Zengan university, Iran in 15 May,2021.
*International Saudi Conference of Biotechnology in Sciences & techniques Abdul-Aziz City, Al-Riyadh City in 2012.
*Academic leadership development workshop, the essential academic leader. 14-15 April 2014, Academic Leadership Center, Ministery of Higher Education, Riyadh, KSA.
*Risk management. Deanship of Quality Development and King Abdullah Institute for Research and consulting studies, 25-26 Feb 2013, University of Hail, Hail, KSA.
*Self-management and Development Skills. Deanship of Quality Development, 17-18 Dec 2012, University of Hail, Hail, KSA.
*Planning and Implementation of Self Study for Program Accreditation. 19-20 Feb 2010, Riyadh, KSA.
*Statistical modelling procedures in the R statistical programming language. 9-27 Feb 2009, Science College. Abdul-Aziz University. Jeddah,KSA
Research and scientific papers:
1-Al-khiat1 S HA,. Alazab1 MM, and Al-Mansori GA . Bioremoval of Iron From Water Sources by Using One Species of Micro Algae (Chlorella Vulgaris). Al-Razi Univ J Med Sci 2019; 3 (2).
2-Al-Azab ,M.M , Soad, H .A. Al-Khiat2 Mahfoudh M. Al-Hamadi. Enhanced Bioethanol Production from Yemeni Banana-Peels (Musa acuminata) as Sanitizer for Outbreak Confrontation of Coronavirus Disease-19 in Sana’a City Yemen.
3- Al-Azab MM . Relationship between natural prevalence of Alternaria spores within children toys and allergic rhinitis symptoms in Mareab city, Yemen , Allergy Clin Immunol 2021 ;102: 563-70.