Bushra Yahya Hassan Al-Khatib
Personal Information:
Name: Bushra Yahya Hassan Al-Khatib Nationality: Yemeni
Faculty: Science in Sana’a University Department: Biosciences
Academic degree: Associate Professor
General specialty: Zoology Specific specialty: Physiology and Immunology
P.O. Box: 99198 University Post Office, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen.
E-mail: alkhateeb.bushra@gmail.com
University e-mail: b.alkhatib@su.edu.ye
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)
Associate Professor in physiology and immunology, at Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University. She joined as a teaching member in the department in 1999/2000 as a teaching assistant immediately after graduation, obtaining the first order with honor. She advanced in the academic field to a demonstrator, a lecturer, an assistant professor, and then to an associate professor. She has taught many general and specialized laboratory and theoretical courses in the Biosciences Department at the College of Science and the College of Education and some private medical colleges. She participated in supervising and judging several master’s and doctor’s theses at Sana’a University and others. She was entrusted with several administrative tasks in the department and she participated in groups of courses, workshops, and conferences. Also, she has been done the scientific description of some courses related to the specialization.
– PhD in Immunology and Physiology (2013), Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt.
(The immunological and antioxidant effects of fucoidan on the toxicity of cyclosporine A drug in rats)
– Master of Animal Science (12/ 2007), Physiology and Endocrinology, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen
(The sexual cycle and seasonal reproductive endocrine profile of the Blasius’ horseshoe bat Rhinolophus blasii Peters, 1866 in Yemen)
– Bachelor of Biology Science (1999-1998), Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
– Academic practical and theoretical teaching for many general and specialized courses.
– Supervising several master’s and doctor’s theses, as well as membership in jury committees for some MA theses in Sana’a University and other universities
– Contributing to the administrative work and membership of some of the department’s committees.
– Participation in a group of scientific workshops.
– Scientific Description of a number of courses in the field of specialization.
Conferences and Workshops:
I– Participate in a number of practical and theoretical courses in Assiut University:
1- New techniques in molecular biology as well as principles and applications of DNA sequencing (2013).
2- The principle of plant cell tissue culture and micropropagation (2013).
3- Publishing and grant writing, (2013).
4- Statistical package for the social sciences, (2013).
5- Applications of molecular markers in biology (2011).
II– Participate in the first Mastery training workshop in Sana’a University, (2008).
III– Participate in the ninth conference of Yemen Biological Society (14-15/9/ 2014), Ibb city, Yemen
- IV. Participate in the Academic Quality Workshop for the Scientific Description in Science Faculty, Sana’a University, (2020).
Research and scientific papers:
1-Saad Eldien, H. M.; Omar, H. M.; Mohammed S. Badary, M. S. and Al-Khatib, B. Y. (2012): The possible protective and therapeutic roles of fucoidan in cyclosporine-induced histological changes in the bone marrow and spleen in rats. Egyptian Journal of Histology. 35(3): 383-397.
2- Omar, H. M.; Saad Eldien, H. M.; Badary, M. S; Al-Khatib, B. Y. and AbdElgaffar, S. K. (2013): The immune-modulating and antioxidant activity of fucoidan on the splenic tissue of rats treated with cyclosporine A. The Journal of Basic & Applied Zoology 66: 243–254
3- Gumaih, H. S.; Al-Khatib, B. Y and Hadi, W. A. (2017): The effect of khat chewing on blood pressure and the correlation between body mass and blood pressure among Yemeni people in Sana’a city. Al-Razi University Journal of Medical Sciences. 1(1):8-23.
4- Al- Hajj, M.M. A.: , Hassan A Al-Shamahy, H. A.; Al-khatib, B. Y. and A Moharram. B. A. (2018): In Vitro Anti- Leishmanial Activity Against Cutaneous Leishmania Parasites and Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Four Yemen Medicinal Plants. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 3(4): 48- 54, https://doi.org/10.22270/jpr.v3i4.183 ISSN: 2456-8058
5- Al-Khatib, B. Y. H.; Al-Hamdani, N. M. H. and Gumaih, H. S. A. (2019): Ameliorated and antioxidant effects of Fucoidan against cyclosporine A-induced kidney injury in rats. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology (Production and hosting by Springer), 80 (40), Article 40, https://doi.org/10.1186/s41936-019-0108-0 ISSN:-2090 990X.
6- Al-Khatib, B. Y (2020): Effects of High Sugar Intake and Treatment by Methanolic Gel Extract of Aloe woodii on the Liver of Female Albino Rats. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Science. 24 (1).
7- Al-Hamdani, N. M. H.; Ali, A. M. H.; Al-Khatib, B. Y. H. and Al-Shaiban, E. S (2020): The Effect of Bromocriptine on the Liver of Immature Female Rats. PSM Biological Research. 5 (1).