ايقونة مرأة – ملونه

Nuha Abdul Aziz Abdul Wali AL-Yousfi


Personal Information:

Name: Nuha Abdul Aziz Abdul Wali AL-Yousfi

Place of birth :Sanaa



  • Graduated Sana’a University, faculty of medicine on top of my class with honors 2010-2011
  • Certified by Arab board in internal medicine (2019) training period from 2014-2018
  • Membership of Royal College of physicians (MRCP) part one(2016) and part two (2017).
  • Yemeni board in internal medicine part 1 (2015) and part 2 -2018
  • European respiratory disease membership (ERS)




  • 5 year experience in the field of pulmonary medicine working with Dr Abdullah Al Amri MD August 2014- July 2019
  • Practicing pulmonology 2019 till present
  • 7 year experience working as a teacher assistant in the faculty of internal medicine Sanaa university , working closely with academic staff and with students. 2014-2021
  • Excellent computer skills
  • English skills : TOEFL iBT score of 110 out of 120 in 2014
  • Excellent communication skills


Conferences and Workshops:

Attends most local workshops in cardiology, endocrinology and pulmonology

Training certificate from Urology and Nephrology center Al Mansoura University – Egypt for 1 month in 2009


Research and scientific papers:

  • Low back pain among female nurses in Yemen. DOI: 10.2478/s13382-013-0124-0
  • A bedridden young lady with hypophosphatemic rickets treated with denosumab: a case report .DOI
  • Journal of Diabetes and Treatment Managing patients with Diabetes Mellitus after a cholera attack: A retrospective analysis in a tertiary center and specialty clinic in Sana’a Yemen. DOI:10.29011/2574-7568.001083

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