
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sana’a University

About Social Work Department

Social work emerged as a widely recognized profession at the beginning of the twentieth century, in response to the multitude of challenges faced by societies during that time. This period was characterized by unexpected global conflicts, including two world wars, along with the ongoing instability of the evolving global system. Political and economic powers rose and fell, leading to shifting alliances and blocs, while mass migrations occurred both within and across national borders. Amidst this turbulent backdrop, there was a troubling disregard for individual human rights, a surge in unchecked acts of violence, and a lack of respect for civil liberties. Significant lapses in disease control and preventative measures led to the outbreak of new illnesses, notably AIDS, while moral and ethical standards lagged behind, failing to appropriately respond to the swift pace of technological innovation.

Modern social work embodies a rich legacy of addressing societal needs, problems, and issues that have emerged throughout history. The profession’s approach has invariably been shaped by the defining occurrences, cultural forces, and the socio-economic and political fabric of each period, along with the present-day challenges it confronts. Although social work is a relatively new and growing profession, it shares the universal mandate of any profession to adapt and progress in response to the dynamic needs of our society. Through its journey across time, social work has continually refined its knowledge base, ethical principles, and pragmatic skills to effectively face the social challenges and problems of each age it has gone through.

Social work, from a practical perspective, thrives on its ability to mitigate suffering, address hardships, and facilitate positive change. Its impact is not based on mere experimentation; the results are tangible and demonstrably improve lives. However, to delve deeper, the term “social work” itself can sometimes seem ambiguous, even to those drawn to the field. This lack of clarity can lead to uncertainty about the profession’s exact nature and scope.

Nevertheless, contemporary social workers acknowledge that life’s challenges possess multiple dimensions, and there exist numerous alternative solutions. These solutions encompass individual transformation, personal adaptation, social reform, and an understanding that both the roots of problems and their resolutions exist at all levels of the social system. It is evident that practitioners of social work take into consideration the interplay of social structures when implementing their interventions.

Social work has evolved into a specialized profession with distinctive characteristics that underscore its professional nature. The profession has defined goals it seeks to achieve and relies on a scientific foundation that informs the social worker’s knowledge, skills, and values across diverse fields and institutions. As a result, social work has received recognition and attained a significant social standing within society.

Establishment and Development of the Department:

 Integration of social work as a recognized profession within Yemeni society has experienced significant delays compared to other Arab societies, particularly in terms of establishing educational institutions dedicated to social work. The reasons behind this delay extend beyond the scope of our current discussion. However, in recent decades, Yemeni society has come to acknowledge the vital role of professional social work and has sought to utilize a limited number of specialized individuals from abroad or Yemenis who have pursued social work studies in Arab universities.

International organizations working in various Yemeni social fields recognized the need for locally trained professionals to achieve their social development objectives. Consequently, UNICEF spearheaded the idea of establishing a university program to educate and prepare Yemeni social workers. This led to a tripartite agreement between UNICEF, Sana’a University, and Helwan University in Egypt to establish a Department of Social Work at Sana’a University in the academic year 2003/2004. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the department was not established initially. Instead, a Social Work Section was created within the existing Department of Sociology. Fortunately, the Department of Social Work was finally established at Sana’a University in the academic year 2007/2008. The department’s curriculum was carefully developed to reflect the unique social and cultural conditions of Yemeni society. This curriculum was developed within the broader framework of social work education established by Helwan University, which is widely recognized as a leading institution for social work education among Arab universities and a key participant in the Department Establishment Agreement.


The Department of Social Work is dedicated to preparing highly qualified social work professionals, equipped with modern social work knowledge, skills, and practical experiences. This encompasses proficiency in information management, critical thinking, teamwork, research, and communication, with a focus on their application in the realm of social work. The Department is committed to contributing to the advancement and dissemination of social knowledge and services within Yemeni society, including providing consultations, training programs, and direct social services to both individuals and institutions throughout Yemen.


To be a leading authority in social work education by offering programs that align with the highest academic standards and integrating theoretical and practical knowledge, to foster the graduates’ core professional competencies essential for success in the social work profession.

Department Aims:

The Bachelor of Social Work program is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Equipping students with a comprehensive understanding of the specialized knowledge and theoretical frameworks that underpin the field of social work.
  2. Providing students with the required academic and practical skills for proficient practice in their specialized field of social work.
  3. Integrating ethical considerations and values derived from Islamic traditions into social work practices.
  4. Cultivating leadership skills and fostering professional development among graduates.
  5. Developing students’ general skills to effectively engage with communities in their professional endeavors.
  6. Familiarizing graduates with scientific research in social work and its diverse methodologies.
  7. Preparing highly competent social work professionals who are able to contribute meaningfully to the needs of the Yemeni community, pursue career paths, and continue their academic development at the graduate level.

Program Study Plan:

Program Specification: